Best Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe

Best Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe

Here is a Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe that tastes delicious, you won’t believe it’s Gluten Free! This recipe makes 4 Gluten Free Pizzas.


  • 500g Gluten Free Flour
  • 400g lukewarm water
  • 10g dry yeast
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 15g olive oil
  • 17g sea salt


  1. Add honey into the water mixture and stir it in until the honey dissolves.
  2. Add yeast into the bowl of lukewarm water and mix it in with a teaspoon.
  3. Let the water, honey and yeast mixture rest for a bout 5 minutes, or until you start to see bubbles forming on the surface. This typically takes about 5 minutes.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, combine the gluten-free flour and, salt. Now add your water mixture and mix until all ingredients are evenly distributed.
  5. Slowly olive oil while mixing the dough. Mix for about 10 minutes. Your dough mixture should be evenly combined and it will feel a little sticky, but that is ok.
  6. Add some GF flour onto your kitchen bench and scoop out the dough from your mixing bowl. Also add some flour on top of the dough (not too much) and knead the dough for 1 minute, making a large ball of dough.
  7. Your dough should feel nice and stretchy at this point and not as sticky.
  8. Put your dough into a clean large bowl and cover with glad wrap. Let it rest for 1 hour at room temperature, or until the dough doubles in size.
  9. Once your dough has doubled in size, pierce the glad wrap with a tooth pick 4 or 5 times to create tiny holes. Place the bowl into the fridge overnight. Ideally leave it in the fridge between 12 to 16 hours before taking it out.
  10. After 12-16 hours, take your dough out of the fridge and let it rest for 30 minutes until it reaches the room temperature again. Now it’s time to make your pizza! You can start making your pizza as soon as you get the dough out of the fridge, but for best results, let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
  11. Split your dough mixture into 4 equal dough balls. Yes, this recipe will make you 4 Gluten Free Pizzas. Since this is a Gluten Free Pizza Dough, it’s important to stretch the dough by pressing down on the dough from the middle => outwards into a round pizza base. Don’t try to lift the base and stretch it in the air, as you may break the dough. Don’t flatten the edges either, keep them thicker than the middle of the dough.
  12. Once you’ve shaped your dough, it’s time to put your favourite ingredients onto the base and start cooking! Before you do that, add some olive oil around your gluten free pizza dough edges with a brush. I love a simple Napoletana with Mutti finely chopped tomatoes as your sauce, mixed with a pinch of salt and olive oil, fresh mozzarella cheese, and some fresh basil. Add your toppings, but try not to spread your sauce all the way to the edges. Leave your edges coated with olive oil without any toppings.
  13. For best results, use a Pizza oven that can heat your pizza stone to at least 400C. Those ovens will cook your pizza in 1 minute. Conventional oven will probably need 8 minutes or so.
Gluten Free Pizza
Gluten Free Napolitana
Ham, Cheese and Mushrooms


  • We used our own Gluten Free flour blend that we are still perfecting! We have had similar results with Caputo Gluten Free flour, which is excellent. However, we are trying to make a homegrown gluten free flour that makes a great Gluten Free Pizza Dough like this EVERY TIME! Please join the waitlist on the bottom of this page to be notified when it’s available!
  • Since this is a Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe, the dough will be a little stickier to work with then a regular gluten recipe. For that reason, we suggest you use a mixer with a dough attachment to get the best results and avoid messy hands.
  • After putting your mixed dough onto the kitchen bench, you can coat your hands in olive oil while working with the dough to prevent your hands from sticking to the dough. Don’t wet your hands with water as your dough should be quite moist already.
  • Make sure your yeast is fresh and active, otherwise your dough may not rise properly.
  • If you can, use a pizza oven. They are becoming very popular and can reach much higher temperatures than your traditional ovens.
  • Use a pizza stone regardless of the oven you use. Pizza stones retain high heat and cook the pizza from the bottom, which gives them a nice crispy texture all the way through.
  • Heat your Pizza oven for at least 30 minutes before putting your pizza dough in. This is because Pizza stone takes longer to heat than the actual air in the oven. It’s very important to get your pizza stone nice and hot, before putting your first pizza in.
  • Let us know how your Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe turned out!

We will be making our Gluten Free Flour available very soon. Please join the waitlist if you’d like to be notified when it’s available!
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Watch how we did it and the final result

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